All Publications
Showing 721 - 730 of 877
Distribution, Growth, and Performance of Microfinance Institutions in Africa, Asia, and Latin America
Analyzing the distribution, growth, and performance of MFIs supported by donor organizations
Identifying Promising MFIs
How to identify potentially high performing MFIs?
Lessons From the Cordoban Enterprise Voucher Training Experience
What are the effects of voucher programs on market development?
Microfinance in Rural Argentina
Can microfinance improve access to finance for the rural poor in Argentina?
Step-By-Step: How to Set-up, Run, and Evaluate a Voucher Program
How to ensure the success of voucher training programs?
Tracking the Progress of 239 Microcredit Program Participants in Guatemala: 1994-1999
Analyzing long-term patterns of development among microcredit borrowers
Analysis of Swisscontact's Experience in the Promotion of Women Entrepreneurs in Micro-, Small- and Medium Sized Enterprises
Investigating Swisscontact's effectiveness in developing women owned enterprises
Microfinance Issues and Challenges in the Anglophone Caribbean
Why the emphasis should be placed on developing new products and methodologies to serve SMEs
Microfinance, Regulation and Uncollateralized Loans to Small Producers in Argentina
How can access to uncollaterised loans be improved for the small producers of Argentina?
An Operational Tool for Evaluating Poverty Outreach of Development Policies and Projects
Examining tool that offers an objective and effective method for poverty evaluation