All Publications
Showing 711 - 720 of 877
Seven Aspects of Loan Size
What is loan size to profitability and outreach?
Banking to Serve Microenterprises: The Banestado Case
What are the advantages of client-focused microfinance?
The Impacts of Microcredit: A Case Study from Peru
Are households receiving microcredit better off than their non-client counterparts?
Women's Entrepreneurship in Latin America: An Exploration of Current Knowledge
What are the constraints faced by women entrepreneurs in Latin America?
Credit Guarantees, Moral Hazard, and The Optimality of Public Reserves
Helping planners specify behavior off the equilibrium path
Poverty Reduction and Promotion of Social Equity: Report on Activities in the Year 2000 and an Action Plan in the Areas of Special Emphasis
How did the Inter-American Development Bank contribute to poverty reduction in the year 2000?
Regulatory and Supervisory Mechanism for MFIs in Bolivia
How are Bolivian MFIs regulated?
Technical Manual - Leasing - INDES
Do lease finance options for small and medium enterprises work?
The Case for Business Registration Reform in Latin America
Does business regulations matter to informal enterprises?
The Cochabamba Case: Can Vouchers Stimulate Sustainable Market Change?
How can vouchers help in developing the market for Business Development Training?