All Publications

Showing 521 - 530 of 877
Case Study

Unibanco's Experience Using Correspondent Banking

Beyond traditional ways of banking: Unibanco's experience in correspondent banking

Dominican Republic - Sustainable Tourism Fuels Dominican Republic

How can tourism help a country's economy and, at the same time, preserve the environment?

Is Youth Entrepreneurship a Necessity or an Opportunity? A First Exploration of Household and New Enterprise Surveys in Latin America

Youth entrepreneurship in Latin America and the Caribbean and their challenges and opportunities

Microfinance Initiatives in the Caribbean: Challenges and Solutions

Proceedings from the "4th Roundtable on Microfinance in the Caribbean", 2005, Pegasus, Guyana

Remittances, Inequality and Poverty: Evidence from Rural Mexico

Exploring the impact of remittances on rural income inequality

Credit Union Remittance Services in Guatemala: Expanding the Access of Low-Income Remittance Recipients to Financial Institutions

Can credit unions succeed in inducting poor remittance recipients into the formal financial system?
Case Study

Nicaragua: Big Buyer Helps Small Growers

Examining the constraints to agricultural finance

The Profile of Microfinance in Latin America in 10 Years: Vision & Characteristics

Where does microfinance stand in Latin America today and where is it going?