All Publications

Showing 461 - 470 of 877
Case Study

Is There a Difference in Poverty Outreach by Type of Microfinance Institution? The Case of Peru and Bangladesh

Do different types of microfinance institutions differ in their poverty outreach performance?

Microfinance Institution Network Models

Identifying common traits among various microfinance network models

Poverty Scorecards for Bangladesh, Haiti, India, Mexico, Pakistan, and the Philippines

Summary of Grameen Foundation's work with poverty scorecards in six countries

A Technical Guide to Increasing Citizen Participation: How Credit Unions Strengthen Democracy

How do credit unions promote democratic principles?

ACCION Poverty Outreach Findings: Apoyo Integral, El Salvador

What is the message that client poverty levels send to a MFI?

Microfinance and Poverty Alleviation: Measuring the Effectiveness of Village Banking in Haiti, a Regression Analysis

Effectiveness of village banking on economic and social indicators

Competition and Microcredit Interest Rates

How does competition affect interest rates for microfinance borrowers?

Financial Development and Inequality: Brazil 1985-99

What was the impact of financial development on earnings inequality in Brazil?

Access to Finance by Chilean Corporations

Is lack of access to adequate sources of financing an obstacle to SME growth in Chile?

Access to Financial Services in Colombia: The "Unbanked" in Bogota

How to make financial services available to the low-income population of Colombia?