All Publications

Showing 431 - 440 of 877

Underwriting Area-based Yield Insurance to Eliminate 'Risk Rationing' and Crowd-in Credit Supply and Demand

Paper presented at conference on rural finance research "Moving Results into Policies and Practice"
Case Study

Value Chains and Financial Intermediation: Some Theory and a Case Study about Creditworthiness, Supermarkets and Small Producers in Central America

Paper presented at FAO, the Ford Foundation, and IFAD’'s conference on rural finance research

Financing Rural Finance Institutions in Mexico

Are sentiments and opportunities changing for low income financial services in Mexico?

Assessing Indebtedness: Results from Pilot Survey among Steelworkers in Sao Paulo

Determining characteristics and implications of over-indebtedness

Benchmarking Microfinance in Guatemala 2005

Uses standard indicators to examine financial and operational performance of 15 Gautemalan MFIs

Credit Constraints and Productivity in Peruvian Agriculture

A theoretic and empirical study that measures the impact of credit constraints

Credit Information Systems in Less-Developed Countries: A Test with Microfinance in Guatemala

This paper presents an empirical test of the effects of credit bureau in Guatemala.

Credit Union Growth Program - Member Income Survey 2007

Examining satisfaction of credit union members

Experimental Evidence on Returns to Capital and Access to Finance in Mexico

Access to finance can generate high returns for microenterprises
Case Study

Healthy Women, Healthy Business: A Comparative Study of Pro Mujer's Integration of Microfinance and Health Services

Improving lives of low-income women entrepreneurs in Latin America