All Publications

Showing 291 - 300 of 877
Guide / Toolkit

A Guide to Selected Emerging Markets for Microfinance Issuers and International Investors: Mexico

Key points that should be considered when investing in the capital and microfinance market in Mexico
Case Study

Chemin Levi Miyo: Final Evaluation

An evaluation of this pilot project over a 24-month period beginning June 2007

Interest Rates and Implications for Microfinance in Latin America and the Caribbean

Offering lower interest rates to clients by improving operational efficiency

Responding to the Regional Financial Crisis: Practical Strategies for Managing Risk While Planning for Growth

Proceedings from the conference “Encuentro Centroamericano de Microfinanzas,” September 10-11, 2009

A Reinterpretation of Mandatory Savings – with Conditions...

Developing innovations in mandatory savings

Branchless Banking Agents in Brazil: Building Viable Networks

Insights from a study of viable agent networks in Brazil
Case Study

Collections with Dignity at FinComún

Examining appropriate collections practices at FinComún, Mexico