All Publications

Showing 901 - 910 of 1695

Corporate Governance of the Deposit Taking Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) in Ethiopia (Presentation)

Presentation at the AFRACA Workshop on "Optimizing Financial Service Delivery to Rural Areas"

Malawi's Financial Landscape: Where Does Opportunity International Bank of Malawi Fit?

Assessing the impact of innovation grants in financial services

Small Enterprise Growth and the Rural Investment Climate: Evidence from Tanzania

Analyzes the business constraints for development of private sector initiatives in rural areas

Spatial and Socio-economic Dimensions of Clients of Microfinance Institutions in Ghana

Improving MFI targeting in Ghana
Case Study

The Impact of Drought on Household Vulnerability: The Case of Rural Malawi

Analyzing coping mechanisms employed by households to deal with drought

Winning Strategies for Small Business Lending

Addressing small business lending challenges

2008 Partnership Forum for Making Finance Work for Africa: Forum Proceedings

Proceedings from "Partnership Forum for Making Finance Work for Africa”", 2008, Accra, Ghana,
Case Study

Case of Village Savings and Loans Associations in Niger: Mata Masu Dubara Model of Remote Outreach

Model for delivering financial services in rural, remote areas