All Publications

Showing 991 - 1000 of 1779

Does Money Affect Happiness and Self-Esteem? The Poor Borrowers' Perspective in a Quasi-Natural Experiment

Examining effects of tsunami related income losses on microfinance borrowers

Evolution of Microfinance Sector in Afghanistan

Examining challenges for the microfinance sector in Afghanistan

Financial Inclusion and Microfinance in India: An Overview

Discussing the role of microfinance in empowering excluded sections of society

Health Shocks and Consumption Smoothing in Rural Households: Does Microcredit have a Role to Play?

Potential of microcredit in insuring consumption against health shocks

Macro Potential for Microfinance Industry

Trends in India’'s microfinance market

Management Information Systems in Indian Microfinance

Understanding the importance of high quality management information systems

Micro Finance in Krishnagiri District: A Tool for Poverty Alleviation

Microfinance initiatives in a small district in Tamil Nadu, India
Case Study

Micro Pension for Informal Sector Women Workers

Providing pension for women workers

Micro-credit: A Reality Check

Assessing effectiveness of microcredit programs