All Publications

Showing 1091 - 1100 of 1779

Expanding Microfinance Outreach in Pakistan

Accelerating the growth of microfinance

From Post-Tsunami Emergency Assistance to Livelihood Recovery in South India

Facilitating post-disaster economic rehabilitation through microfinance

Access to Financial Services in Nepal

Examining supply and demand of financial services

Banking on the Future: An Interview with Chandula Abeywickrema from Hatton National Bank in Sri Lanka

A discussion with Hatton National Bank's Deputy General Manager on targeted savings products.

Capacity Building for Microfinance in Post-Tsunami Reconstruction

Maintaining effectiveness of MFIs in times of disaster

CGAP Study on Self-Help Groups in India

Brief on CGAP's two-part study examining the financial viability of SHGs

Cooperatives - The Flawed Gem of Indian Rural Finance

The deterioration of rural the Cooperative Credit Structure (CCS) in the Indian rural finance system

Credit and Microfinance Needs in Inland Capture Fisheries Development and Conservation in Asia

General principles for providing microfinance to the fisheries sector

Empowerment of Microcredit Participants and its Spillover Effects: Evidence from the Grameen Bank of Bangladesh

Examining impact of microcredit on borrowers' non-economic activities

Field Experiments in Rural Finance: An Example from Tamil Nadu, India

An empirical application of randomized controlled trials in investigating social phenomena