All Publications

Showing 1051 - 1060 of 1779

Should NABARD Be Microfinance Regulator?

Regulating India’s microfinance sector

The Interaction of Customary Law and Microfinance: Women’s Entry into the World Economy

Examining the interaction between microfinance and customary law

Willingness to Pay for Health Insurance Among Rural and Poor Persons: Field Evidence from Seven Micro Health Insurance Units in India

Factors influencing health insurance premium choices among rural and low-income segments

Creditting the Fittest: An Inquiry into the Formation of Lending Groups in Microcredit Programs in Rural Bangladesh

Tools for group formation in microcredit programs with joint liability

Delivering Micro Health Insurance Through the National Rural Health Mission

Increasing access to health care through micro health insurance

Does Microfinance Empower Women? Evidence from Self Help Groups in India

This study looks at the link between microfinance and women empowerment

Economic Challenges of Post-Tsunami Reconstruction in Sri Lanka

How can a country best recover from a debilitating disaster?

Public-Private Partnerships in Microfinance: Should NGO Involvement be Restricted?

Is the involvement of non-government-organizations beneficial to microfinance operations?
Case Study

Evaluating Financial Health of Credit Cooperatives in Maharashtra of India

Why is there a disparity in the performance of credit cooperatives of Maharashtra, India?