All Publications

Showing 1751 - 1760 of 2060

Microfinance in Latin America - Lessons for the Middle East?

What can the Middle East learn from the microfinance experience of Latin America?

Problems While Organising

Discussing policy issues to strengthen cooperatives
Case Study

Rediscovering Rural Finance by Retooling the Existing Institutions

Will loosening control on banks make them effective - A NABARD study

Reforming an Agricultural Development Bank

How did the Agricultural Development Bank of Nepal handle its financial crisis?

Regulatory Environment: The Jordanian Experience

Mainstreaming microfinance services in Jordan

Savings and Credit Movement of Andhra Pradesh

What were the main reasons for the success of women's savings and credit groups in Andhra Pradesh?
Case Study

Serving Small Rural Depositors: Proximity, Innovations and Trade-offs

What ingredients make a sustainable microfinance organization?

SHG-Bank Linkage Program in India: An Overview

How has the self help groups-bank linkage program performed in India?
Case Study

The Challenge of Sustainable Outreach: How can Public Banks Contribute to Outreach in Rural Areas? Five Case Studies from Asia

Evaluating the challenges in outreach faced by rural finance practitioners

The Prevention of Debt Bondage with Microfinance-led Services

How can microfinance prevent bonded labor?