All Publications

Showing 1711 - 1720 of 2060

Embedded Cooperation: Women's Thrift Cooperatives in Andra Pradesh

Relevance of economic sociological theories in microfinance
Case Study

Building a Reliable MFI Funding Base: Donor Flexibility Shows Results

How to build a successful micro finance institution?

Design Considerations for a Financial Management System for Rural, Semi-literate Users

Designing a user interface for managing community-based microfinance institutions in rural India
Case Study

Knowing When to Stop: The Case of UNDP Bangladesh

Exiting from ineffective microfinance projects

Microfinance: Analytical Issues for India

Identifying elements contributing to growth of microfinance in India

Poverty Impact and Outreach of Microfinance in Bangladesh: Current Knowledge, Practices and Moving Ahead

Identifying opportunities to improve microfinance impact in Bangladesh
Case Study

Vision and Consistency: USAID Support of Al Amana and the Law on Microfinance in Morocco

Supporting microfinance in Morocco

Microfinance Sector Development Approach

What is meant by the 'Sector Development Approach' in microfinance?

Workshop Report on Networking of SHGs - Concepts, Issues and Practices

This paper discusses various aspects of Self-Help-Group networks and federations