All Publications

Showing 411 - 420 of 611

Migration and Remittances: Recent Developments and Outlook

Studying the progress and perspectives on remittances among migrants
Case Study

Single Mothers and the Earned Income Tax Credit: Insurance without Disincentives?

Studying the effects of insurance provided by a U.S. cash transfer program on single mothers

Big Data: A Big Disappointment for Scoring Consumer Credit Risk

Evaluating the promise of big data to lead to better products/services for the unbanked/underbanked

The Financial Capability of Young Adults - A Generational View

The financial situation, capabilities, and challenges millennials face in the United States

Giving Credit Where it is Due

Exploring how closing the credit gap for women-owned SMEs can drive global growth

The Promise of Microfinance and Women's Empowerment: What Does the Evidence Say?

Evaluating the promise of female empowerment in the global microfinance expansion
Guide / Toolkit

Gender Toolkit: Micro, Small, and Medium-Sized Enterprise Finance and Development

Framework to better conceptualize and design gender-sensitive policy and programs in the MSME sector

Measuring ICT and Gender: An Assessment

Development implications of information and communications technologies

Women-Owned SMEs: A Business Opportunity for Financial Institutions

A Market and credit gap assessment and IFC's portfolio gender baseline