All Publications

Showing 6931 - 6940 of 7208

Sources of Funds for Agricultural Lending

What fills the gap after the decline in the availability of public funds for agricultural lending?

The Banking Act, the Parliament of Romania

General provisions of the banking law of Romania

The Use of Control Groups in Impact Assessments for Microfinance

What are the appropriate methods for evaluating the impact of microfinance programs?

Towards Self-Sufficiency for the Poor

Presenting an overview of CIDA's microfinance activities

Are the Poor Less Well Insured? Evidence on Vulnerability to Income Risk in Rural China

To what extent do income shocks impact the current consumption of poor individuals?

Bulgaria: Regulation No. 11 on Liquidity Management and Supervision of Banks

Mechanism for liquidity management for the Bulgarian banks

Developing Rural Financial Markets

New cost-effective approaches to rural financial services

Financial Regulation and Its Significance for Microfinance in Latin America and the Caribbean

Can existing financial regulations be applied to microfinance institutions?

Republic of Albania the People's Assembly Law

What are the provisions of the Law for the Bank of Albania?