All Publications

Showing 6751 - 6760 of 7208

Use and Impact of Savings Among the Poor in Tanzania

Are savings services meeting the needs of the poor?

Vulnerability, Risks, Assets and Empowerment - The Impact of Microfinance on Poverty Alleviation

Do financial services help the poor cope with risk and reduce their vulnerability?

Zambian Laws Affecting Microfinance: Review and Recommendations for Reform

Reforms to integrate the Zambian microfinance into financial markets

An Assessment of the Impact of SEWA Bank in India: Baseline Findings

Examining the impact of microenterprise services at the household, enterprise, and individual levels

Between the State And the Market, Can Informal Insurance Patch the Safety Net?

Should private coping mechanisms be encouraged?

Coverage and Targeting in the Indonesian Social Safety Net Programs: Evidence from 100 Village Survey

Why have "safety net" programmes failed to reach the poor?

Credit Crunch! Credit Crunch! Credit Crunch?

Should banks in the Philippines loosen their lending policy to overcome the credit crunch?

Regulation and Supervision of Microfinance Institutions in South Africa

What are the issues in developing effective regulatory and supervisory frameworks for microfinance?