All Publications
Showing 6371 - 6380 of 7218
Distribution, Growth, and Performance of Microfinance Institutions in Africa, Asia, and Latin America
Analyzing the distribution, growth, and performance of MFIs supported by donor organizations
Drop-outs Among Selected Zambian Microfinance Institutions: Causes and Potential Impacts on Product Design
Reducing the dropout rate among members of microfinance institutions
Financial Education and Savings Outcomes in Individual Development Accounts
What effects do financial education have on the poor?
Ghana: Banking Law 1989 (PNDCL 225)
How is the Banking Law in Ghana structured?
Identifying Promising MFIs
How to identify potentially high performing MFIs?
Innovative Initiatives for Welfare: Non-Banking and Banking Initiatives, an Overview
What initiatives outside the money economy can improve welfare?
Key Issues in the Design, Implementation and Monitoring of Voucher Training Programs
The 'What' and 'How' of voucher training programs
Lessons From the Cordoban Enterprise Voucher Training Experience
What are the effects of voucher programs on market development?
Microenterprise in the First and Third Worlds
How to address the challenges of microenterprise development in the First world?
Microfinance in Rural Argentina
Can microfinance improve access to finance for the rural poor in Argentina?