All Publications

Showing 6351 - 6360 of 7210

Bootstraps or Braces? The Regulation of Community Development Finance Institutions

Finding the best regulatory framework for Community Development Financial Institutions in the UK

Passing the Buck - Money Transfer Systems in Uganda and Tanzania: The Practice and Potential for Products

Is the demand for money transfer services still unmet in Uganda and Tanzania?

Qualitative Methods

Are qualitative methods necessary for impact assessments?

Recommendations on Microfinance Legislation for Tajikistan

The need for an appropriate legal framework for microfinance in Tajikistan

Russia: Federal Law on Citizens' Credit Consumer Co-Operatives

What are the provisions of the law related to consumer credit cooperatives in Russia?

Sustainable Rural Finance: Policy and Design Issues

Examining the necessary macroeconomic underpinnings of sustainable rural finance

The Case for Business Registration Reform in Latin America

Does business regulations matter to informal enterprises?

Building Effective Financial Structures for Fast-Growing MFIs

The role of equity investments in microfinance

Can Do: Halving Asia's Poverty Is Achievable By 2015

Halving poverty in Asia with policy, programs and institutional reforms

Collateral, Collateral Law and Collateral Substitutes

Can collateral substitutes can equate conventional collateral in protecting lenders against default?