All Publications

Showing 5581 - 5590 of 7225

Foreign Investment in Microfinance: Debt and Equity from Quasi-Commercial Investors

CGAP's Focus Note No. 25 analyzes foreign investment as a growing source of funds for MFIs

Gender Norms in Financial Markets: Evidence from Kenya

An analytical approach to examining gender influence on the demand and access to financial services

Ghana: Inventory Credit for Small-Scale Farmers

How can warehouse receipt systems help small-scale farmers?

Ghana: Microfinance Investment Environment Profile

Assessing investment risk in Ghana's microfinance sector

Global Development Finance: Harnessing Cyclical Gains for Development

What are the risks and directions of capital and debt flows?

Group-based Funeral Insurance in Ethiopia and Tanzania

Understanding indigenous institutions providing funeral insurance and their scalability

Identifying Business Opportunities for SHGs

Participatory Skill Resource and Market Mapping: Help Self-Help Groups identify economic enterprises

Immigrants and Financial Services: Literacy, Difficulty of Access, Needs and Solutions - The Spanish Experience

How are Spanish banks reacting to the demand for financial services from immigrant populations?