All Publications
Showing 4841 - 4850 of 7228
Women's Empowerment through Sustainable Microfinance: Rethinking 'Best Practice'
The need to make gender 'Best Practice' integral to microfinance design
2003 Benchmarking Arab Microfinance
How do Arab MFIs compare to institutional performance in other regions?
Accuracy Results for 12 Poverty Assessment Tool Countries
Using the results of accuracy tests to develop and refine poverty assessment tools
Adverse Selection in Credit Markets: Evidence from South Indian Bidding Roscas
Testing for information asymmetries in Roscas
Balancing Quality and Quantity in SHGs in India
How can self-help-groups in India overcome the "quality blues" that plague them?
Best Poverty Indicators for 12 Poverty Assessment Tool Countries
How have countries scored against poverty indicators?
Can Scoring Help Attract Profit-minded Investors to Microcredit?
Exploring the role of scoring in attarcting private investors to microcredit
Combining Strengths: Synergies between Cluster Development and Microfinance
Integrating microfinance provision into UNIDOs cluster development initiatives
Credit Scoring for Leasing: How Leasing Models Differ from Bank Lending Models
How can the process of scoring be simplified for micro-lenders?
Delimiting Microfinance Through Effective MIS - The Philippine Rural Bank Experience (Presentation)
Using information technology for microfinance