All Publications

Showing 3001 - 3010 of 7210

All Eyes on Asset Quality: Microfinance Global Valuation Survey 2010

Understanding equity valuation trends in microfinance

Analyzing Microcredit Interest Rates: A Review of the Methodology Proposed by Mohammed Yunus

Identifying solutions for bringing affordable credit to the poor

Apexes: An Important Source of Local Funding

Highlighting the importance of apex funds to channel public money into microfinance

Asia 2009: Microfinance Analysis and Benchmarking Report

Examining impact of the financial crisis on Asian MFIs

Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs (ANDE) 2009 Impact Report

Identifying challenges to the success of small businesses

Automation of SACCOS: Assessment of Potential Solutions

Providing automation solutions for Kenyan SACCOs

Baseline Study of Saving for Change in Mali: Results from the Segou Expansion Zone and Existing SFC Sites

Analyzing the impact of savings on poor women'’s lives

Cambodia Microfinance: Development and Challenges

Paper presented at "International Conference on Microfinance Regulations: Who Benefits?" March 2010

Commercialisation of Microfinance in India: A Discussion on the Emperor's Apparel

Examining growth imperatives and transformation processes of microfinance