All Publications

Showing 861 - 870 of 1139
Case Study

Donors as Silent Partners in MFI Product Development: MicroSave-Africa and the Equity Building Society in Kenya

Can donor support help MFIs in product development?
Case Study

Mibanco, Peru: Profitable Microfinance Outreach, with Lessons for Asia

How has commercialisation affected Accion Communatria del Peru's (ACP) outreach and sustainability?
Case Study

Sustaining Social Performance Institutionalising Organisational Learning and Poverty Outreach at Prizma

What are the lessons to be learnt from Prizma's experience?
Case Study

Avoiding Apex Pitfalls: Local Initiatives Departments of Bosnia and Herzegovina

How to create a successful apex fund?
Case Study

Building a Microfinance Industry: USAID's PRET/FINNET in Haiti

How to build a microfinance industry?
Case Study

Building a Reliable MFI Funding Base: Donor Flexibility Shows Results

How to build a successful micro finance institution?
Case Study

From Skepticism to Success: The World Bank and Banco do Nordeste in Brazil

How can effective donor assistance lead to a sustainable microfinance institution?
Case Study

Institutionalizing Impact Assessment: Case Study on the Philippines

Introducing the concept of impact assessment in the Philippines
Case Study

Knowing When to Stop: The Case of UNDP Bangladesh

Exiting from ineffective microfinance projects