All Publications

Showing 841 - 850 of 1139
Case Study

The Financial Needs & Risks of the Microentrepreneur in Maputo, Mozambique

Understanding credit demand in urban informal markets
Case Study

The PayNet Deposit Program: Check Casher-Credit Union Partnerships and the Point of Banking Machine

Partnerships benefiting both the company and the consumer to increase access to financial services
Case Study

Transaction Costs of Self-Help Groups - A Study of NABARD's SHG Banking Programme in India

How profitable are self-help groups?
Case Study

Vessel for Change and Growth: Microfinance for Women

Contributing to the national and global poverty alleviation efforts
Case Study

Credit Bureaus and the Rural Microfinance Sector: Peru, Guatemala and Bolivia

Credit Reporting Systems can facilitate credit deepening
Case Study

Innovative Approaches to Delivering Microfinance Services: Credit Indemnity in South Africa

What does it take to transform a family owned MFI to a bank holding?
Case Study

The Lessons in Development: The AKRSP Experience

Proceedings from the International Conference organised by AKRSP along with DFID and CIDA, 2003
Case Study

The Role of the Asian Development Bank in Promoting the Development of Microfinance in Lao PDR and Viet Nam

A summary of ADB's aid to rural and microfinance sectors
Case Study

An Assessment of Poverty Outreach of Palli Daridro Bimochon Foundation (PDBF)

Measuring Poverty Outreach and Impacts of a Microfinance Institution in Bangladesh