All Publications

Showing 791 - 800 of 1139
Case Study

The Agricultural Bank of Mongolia

Can state-owned banks be turned around?
Case Study

The Case of K-Rep -Nairobi, Kenya

Deriving lessons from the success of K-Rep in Kenya
Case Study

The Kazakhstan Small Business Program: Commercial Banks Entering Micro and Small Business Finance

Proceedings from the “"Scaling Up Poverty Reduction: A Global Learning Process and Conference”"
Case Study

TUW SKOK, Poland

Is partnership with credit unions an effective way to market microinsurance?
Case Study

Working Paper on Microfinance and Health, A Case for Integrated Service Delivery

Can the microfinance model be used for targeting health concerns?
Case Study

Access to Financial Services in South Africa: A brief case study of the effect of the implementation of the Financial Action Task Force Recommendations

What has prevented the Financial Task Force recommendations from being effectively implemented?
Case Study

Grameen II At the end of 2003 - A 'Grounded View' of How Grameen's New Initiative is Progressing in the Villages

What is Grameen II what does it means to its stakeholders and microfinance?
Case Study

Beyond Numbers: Prizma's Exit Monitoring System

Does an exit monitoring system help in reducing client exit from microfinnace programs?
Case Study

Client Case Studies From the Dominican Republic

Nurturing entrepreneurial spirit through microfinance
Case Study

Kyrgyz Republic - Private Enterprise Support Project

How did the Private Enterprise Support Project perform?