All Publications

Showing 411 - 420 of 1139
Case Study

Mobile Banking- The Key to Building Credit History for the Poor?

Will m-banking or m-payment-powered credit information systems work?
Case Study

Purchase Order Finance in Bolivia: Innovations in Financing Value Chains

Illustrating innovative practices in value chain finance
Case Study

A Closer Look at Consolidation: The Sonata-Jeevika Acquisition

Insights from the first acquisition in Indian microfinance
Case Study

Third Party Administration in the Provision of In-patient Health Insurance: An Indian Case Study

Designing and implementing an insurance product accessible to the poor
Case Study

An Analysis of European Online Microlending Websites

Adopting online lending solutions to achieve economies of scale
Case Study

Analysis of Sustainability, Growth, and Development of a Leading Microfinance Institution in Bangladesh: Case Study on TMSS

Examining financial and operational information to analyze MFI sustainability
Case Study

Bank-Microfinance Alliances: FINCA's Pilot Program for Prepaid Cards in Mexico

Building partnerships to provide a greater variety of services
Case Study

Blazing a Trail, Addressing Obstacles: Lessons from Save the Children and Fondation Zakoura's Youth Microfinance and Training Program

Examining challenges faced in implementing a youth financial services project in Morocco
Case Study

Designing Mobile Money Services: Lessons from M-PESA

Analyzing the success of M-PESA mobile money service in Kenya
Case Study

Developing a Cost-Benefit Analysis Tool: Experiences and Lessons from Malawi and Mozambique

Designing a cost-benefit analysis tool to assess microfinance delivery channels