All Publications

Showing 401 - 410 of 1139
Case Study

Saving through the Mobile Phone: The Case of M-Pesa

M-Pesa as a savings mechanism
Case Study

Micro-Impact. Deconstructing the Complex Impact Process of a Simple Microinsurance Product in Indonesia

Analyzing the social impact of obligatory life microinsurance product
Case Study

The “Human Aspect” of Commercial Transformation

Addressing human aspects in transformation of MFIs to banks
Case Study

Empowering Rwanda Youth through Savings-led Microfinance

Introducing savings-led microfinance methodology to orphans and vulnerable children
Case Study

Product Development for Girls: Girls' Saving and Financial Education

Transforming savings behaviour of low-income girls
Case Study

Reaching the Unbanked with Sharia-Compliant Financial Products

Meeting the demand for faith-based financial services
Case Study

What Do We Really Know About Microfinance Impact?

A survey highlights the results of the first randomized studies
Case Study

Cost-effective Household Surveys: Key Lessons for Implementing a Household Livelihood Survey on a Budget

Learning from efficient and effective implementation of a household livelihood survey
Case Study

Implementing a Household Livelihood Survey in a Post-disaster Environment: ShoreBank International Ltd, NRSP, and the AMPER Program in Pakistan

Insights from a successful survey implementation effort in earthquake-affected Pakistan
Case Study

Choice Between Microfinance System Operating on the Basis of Individual Liability Loan Contract or Through Joint Liability Loan Contract

Examining alternatives available for rural households when opting for microfinance