All Publications

Showing 1111 - 1120 of 1139
Case Study

The Challenge of Growth for Microfinance Institutions: The BancoSol Experience

Meeting management and financial challenges of rapid growth
Case Study

Micro Interventions for Poverty Alleviation: The Philippine Case

How to alleviate poverty?
Case Study

BANCOSOL: The Challenge of Growth for Microfinance Organizations

The inherent difficulties in the prudent management of growth of microfinance organizations
Case Study

The Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee's Credit Programs: Performance and Sustainability

An evaluation of Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee's credit programs
Case Study

Beacon of Hope: An Impact Assessment Study of BRAC's Rural Development Programme

Was BRAC's rural development program effective?
Case Study

Grameen Bank: Impact, Costs and Program Sustainability

Examining the model's self-sustainability and its effects on household outcomes
Case Study

Sustainability of a Government Targeted Credit Program: Evidence from Bangladesh

How can results such as those of the Grameen Bank and BRAC be achieved?
Case Study

The Role of Land Pawning in Securing Loans: The Case of Sangla in the Philippines

How is 'sangla' helpful to small-scale farmers in the Philippines?
Case Study

Grameen Bank: Performance and Sustainability

Examining the working of Grameen Bank, Bangladesh