All Publications

Showing 31 - 40 of 72
Case Study

Innovations in Rural and Agricultural Finance in Moldova

Overcoming the challenges of improving access to financial services for rural communities
Case Study

Myth and Reality of Agricultural Microlending - Experiences from a Commercial Bank in Georgia

The profitability of agricultural microloans through the experience of United Georgian Bank
Case Study

The Macroeconomics of Remittances: The Case of Tajikistan

This paper assesses macroeconomic implications, and characteristics for a small open economy
Case Study

The Market for Microinsurance in Ukraine: Low Income Household Needs and Market Development Projections

Projecting the development of microinsurance in Ukraine: – A study
Case Study

Bai Tushum Financial Foundation, Kyrgyzstan

Bai Tushum's journey to success in a challenging macroeconomic and legal environment
Case Study

Experienced Consortium Deepens Bulgarian Financial System by Creating ProCredit Bank, a Commercial Bank for Microenterprises

Learning from the experience of creating ProCredit Bank Bulgaria
Case Study

Case Studies in Donor Good Practices No.20: Experienced Consortium Deepens Bulgarian Financial System by Creating ProCredit Bank, a Commercial Bank for Microenterprises

A study of the factors that led to the success of ProCredit Bank, Bulgaria
Case Study

Policy Reform Process: Georgia Case Study

How to advocate policy reform?
Case Study

How the Netherlands Government Fostered Successful Public-Private Partnerships for Financing MFIs

How did microfinance benefit from bringing private financial expertise to microfinance funding?
Case Study

Making Financial Markets Work for the Poor: Guidelines on Microfinance

How can Swedish Agency for International Development Cooperation effectively support microfinance?