All Publications

Showing 941 - 950 of 1014

Information Asymmetry and Trust: A Framework for Studying Microfinance in India

The role of 'trust' in the delivery of financial services

NABARD and Microfinance

Taking banking services to the poor

Research Strategy for the AIMS Core Impact Assessments

Research strategies used by AIMS CIA advance impact assessment methodologies
Case Study

SEWA Bank's Housing Microfinance Program in India

Analysis of SEWA Bank's offerings as part of Shelter Finance for the Poor Series

The New Microfinance: An Essay on the Self-Help Group Movement in India

Is the Self Help Group-Bank linkage program superior to the traditional microfinance models?

Towards Women's Empowerment and Poverty Reduction: Lessons from the Participatory Impact Assessment of South Asian Poverty Alleviation programme in Andhra Pradesh, India

Comprehensive program addressing poverty, women empowerment and social development

Workshop Proceedings of Imp-Act Thematic Group Meeting on Understanding the Wider Impacts of Microfinance

Proceedings from "Imp-Act Thematic Group Meeting on Understanding the Wider Impacts of Microfinance"
Case Study

Micro Credit and Women's Empowerment: A Case Study of SML

How far does microcredit contribute to women's empowerment?
Case Study

The Work of SPARC, the National Slum Dwellers Federation and Mahila Milan

How has the SPARC & Mahila Mandal partnership resulted in local innovation and mass mobilization?