All Publications

Showing 891 - 900 of 1018

The Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934

What is the role of The Reserve Bank of India in financial management?

Convergence and Collaborations: Scaling Up Financial Services to the Poor

Proceedings from "Convergence and Collaborations: Scaling Up Financial Services to the Poor", 2003
Case Study

Operational Framework for Microenterprise Promotion in APRLP Watersheds

How to improve livelihoods in rural Andhra Pradesh?
Case Study

Case Studies on Select Microfinance Institutions in India

What are the secrets of success of some microfinance institutions in India?

Is Microcredit the Answer to Poverty Eradication?

The need for a new definition of microcredit

Micro Finance in India

How can microfinance in India become vibrant, significant and sustainable?

Scaling up Microfinancial Services: An Overview of Challenges and Opportunities

Innovative strategies to scale up microfinance in India
Case Study

What Works: ICICI Bank Innovations In Rural Finance - Bringing Modern Financial Services to India's Rural Poor

Leading the movement to mainstream India's rural poor

Identifying Targeting with Nonparametric Methods: An Application to an Indian Microfinance Program

Do most poverty alleviation programs exclude the poorest in the community?