All Publications

Showing 891 - 900 of 1014

Is Microcredit the Answer to Poverty Eradication?

The need for a new definition of microcredit

Micro Finance in India

How can microfinance in India become vibrant, significant and sustainable?

Scaling up Microfinancial Services: An Overview of Challenges and Opportunities

Innovative strategies to scale up microfinance in India
Case Study

What Works: ICICI Bank Innovations In Rural Finance - Bringing Modern Financial Services to India's Rural Poor

Leading the movement to mainstream India's rural poor

Identifying Targeting with Nonparametric Methods: An Application to an Indian Microfinance Program

Do most poverty alleviation programs exclude the poorest in the community?

National Workshop on SHG Federations

Report of workshop organized by APMAS, June 20-21, 2003, Hyderabad, India

Post Offices, Pensions and Computers: New Opportunities for Combining Growth and Social Protection in Weakly Integrated Rural Areas?

A focus on the methods of delivery of social protection measures

Embedded Cooperation: Women's Thrift Cooperatives in Andra Pradesh

Relevance of economic sociological theories in microfinance
Case Study

Building a Reliable MFI Funding Base: Donor Flexibility Shows Results

How to build a successful micro finance institution?