All Publications

Showing 841 - 850 of 1014
Case Study

Agricultural Finance by Microfinance Institutions: Problems and the Way Forward

How can microfinance institutions succeed in agricultural finance?
Case Study

Microfinance-led Strategies to Eliminate Bonded Labor

Highlighting design issues for appropriate financial services to the poor
Case Study

The Remarkable Story of Champaben

Is microinsurance an effective tool for risk management?

Extending Formal Insurance to the Informal Economy Workers in India

Microinsurance as one of the strategies of extending protection to low-income people
Case Study

Institutionalizing Client Assessment: The Activists for Social Alternatives - India

What are the main components of ASA's Client Assessment Tool?
Case Study

India: Women's Self-Help Groups in Andhra Pradesh - Participatory Poverty Alleviation in Action

How have self-help groups (SHG) contributed to poverty alleviation in Andhra Pradesh?

Microfinance Institutions in India

How to ensure a sustainable supply of micro financial services?

Health Insurance for the Poor in India

Analyzing health insurance reforms in India

The Banking Regulation Act, 1949

The provisions of the Banking Regulations Act