All Publications

Showing 761 - 770 of 1014

Adverse Selection in Credit Markets: Evidence from South Indian Bidding Roscas

Testing for information asymmetries in Roscas

Balancing Quality and Quantity in SHGs in India

How can self-help-groups in India overcome the "quality blues" that plague them?

Combining Strengths: Synergies between Cluster Development and Microfinance

Integrating microfinance provision into UNIDO’s cluster development initiatives

Empirical Analysis of the Mechanisms of Group Lending

A look at the operation of the joint liability system

From Microcredit to Livelihood Finance

An exploration of livelihood finance as the best strategy for India's economic growth

Linkages Between Microfinance and Effective Education with a Focus on Parental Involvement

How can microfinance institutions aid parental involvement in education?

Managing Scale

How can the situation of Indian Self-Help Groups be improved?
Case Study

Profiling of Micro Enterprises in Tamil Nadu and Uttar Pradesh, India

How can microfinance institutions move their clients to higher levels in business?

Report of the Internal Group to Examine Issues Relating to Rural Credit and Microfinance

Opportunities and obstacles bringing banking services' to under-serviced and poor, rural areas

Micro-Insurance in India: Trends and Strategies for Further Extension

Strengthening linkages between micro-insurance and microcredit in India