All Publications

Showing 741 - 750 of 1014

Towards a Sustainable Microfinance Outreach in India – Experiences and Perspectives

Furthering microfinance in India – learning from best practices

Can MFIs Achieve the Double Bottom Line?

Can MFIs successfully combine outreach with financial sustainability?
Case Study

Karuna Trust, Karnataka - India

Karuna Trust: An example of pairing insurance with existing public structures
Case Study

Life Has Educated Me: Building Interpersonal Networks through the Jadibanagar Slum Upgrading Project

Sharing experiences and insights on capacity building to overcome poverty
Case Study

Why Sanghamitra is Different

Can NGOs blend with microfinance institutions to successfully fulfil their respective missions?
Case Study

Yeshasvini Trust, Karnataka - India

Case study analyzing self-funded health insurance scheme
Case Study

IDEI's Twelve-year Journey towards Facilitation

Intervention strategies at different stages of a product's lifecycle

Is Microfinance a 'Magic Bullet' for Women's Empowerment? Analysis of Findings from South Asia

Challenging the hegemony of microfinance in women's empowerment