All Publications

Showing 461 - 470 of 1014

Prices or Knowledge? What Drives Demand for Financial Services in Emerging Markets?

Identifying causes for low demand for financial services in emerging markets

Savings Mobilisation in SHGs: Opportunities and Challenges

How can self-help groups evolve as savings institutions?

State of Microfinance in India 2010

Reviewing the microfinance sector in India

A Study about the Impact of Nutrition Education and Awareness of Food Safety among Women SHG Members

Assessing food safety practices of SHG women involved in food processing trade
Case Study

Diagnosing Financial Stress in Group Methodology

Understanding the financial stress of members

Listening to Agents of Mobile Banking in India

Examining agents’ perspective of m-banking

Listening to Clients of Mobile Banking in India

Exploring factors that encourage clients to adopt mobile banking

Microfinance and Household Poverty Reduction: New Evidence from India

Estimating the welfare effects of MFI loans for productive purposes