All Publications

Showing 431 - 440 of 1017

Characteristics of Mumbai Microfinance Market

Understanding the needs of microfinance clients in Mumbai

Feasibility of Engaging Corporate Retail Networks as Business Correspondents of Banks: A Study

Can banks engage corporate retail networks as business correspondents?

Indian MFIs: Growth for Old and New Institutions Alike

Presenting the state of the microfinance industry
Case Study

Indian Microfinance Goes Public: The SKS Initial Public Offering

Implications of the first Indian MFI to go public

Liability Structure in Small-Scale Finance: Evidence From a Natural Experiment

Analyzing results of change in liability structure of MFI

National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development: A Role Model for Commercial Banks in India

Focusing on rural infrastructure

Removing the Pain from Using Cash: An M-banking Solution?

Understanding the cost of cash for low-income clients

Tapping the Underserved: Formal and Semi-formal Financial Institution Partnerships

Exploring partnerships to offer financial services

Understanding the 'Cost of Cash' for Low Income Clients: Why and How?

Using mobile banking to ease the pain of cash transactions for low-income customers