All Publications

Showing 421 - 430 of 1014

Technology Program Country Note: India

Why are banks in India reluctant to use branchless banking?

Aspects of Rural Households' Debt in India: Strategic Actions to Minimize Incidence of Informal Debt

Minimizing rural indebtedness and poverty

Beyond Codes: The Foundation for Client Protection in Microfinance

Examining practical cases of how consumer protection codes of conduct are implemented

Harnessing Rural Banking Potential in India: Expanding Scope & Scale of Innovative Concepts & Programs

Developing appropriate policies and programs to accelerate rural growth

Indian Microfinance Crisis of 2010: Turf War or a Battle of Intentions?

Revisiting fundamentals of India’s microfinance industry

Microfinance: A Fairy Tale Turns into a Nightmare

Analyzing the commercial model of microfinance in India

Characteristics of Mumbai Microfinance Market

Understanding the needs of microfinance clients in Mumbai

Feasibility of Engaging Corporate Retail Networks as Business Correspondents of Banks: A Study

Can banks engage corporate retail networks as business correspondents?