All Publications

Showing 131 - 140 of 151
Case Study

White Elephants in Rural Finance in South Asia

The case of dysfunctional agricultural development banks

Will More Credit Increase Interest Rates in Rural Nepal?

What determines interest rates in the rural credit markets of Nepal?
Case Study

From Informal to Formal Finance: The Transformation of an Indigenous Institution in Nepal

What are the benefits for RoSCAs in becoming financial companies?

Progress, Constraints and Limitations of Financial Sector Reforms in the Least Developed Countries

Reforms for financial systems development in Sub Saharan Africa and Asia

Credit for Micro Enterprise Development (CMED Module)

Designing a microcredit delivery model for promoting microenterprises

Outreach and Sustainability of Rural Microfinance in Asia: Observations and Recommendations

Can microfinance institutions combine poverty outreach with institutional viability?

Effects on Microfinance of the 1997-98 Asian Financial Crisis

What are the impacts of the 1997 Asian financial crisis on microfinance institutions in the region?

Credit Guarantees: An Assessment of the State of Knowledge and New Avenues of Research

Can innovative approaches solve the debate about credit guarantees?

Grameen Replicators: Do They Reach the Poor and are They Sustainable?

Can the Grameen miracle be replicated?