All Publications

Showing 31 - 40 of 129

Microcredit Innovation in China

Analyzing microcredit innovations in China

Rural-Based Development and Potential for Enhanced Credit Access in Modern China

Studying the prospects for enhanced rural credit access in China

Microfinance Wholesale Funds: The Case of China (Chinese version)

Could a Chinese microfinance wholesale fund contribute to the further development of the sector?

Microfinance Wholesale Funds: The Case of China (English Version)

Could a Chinese microfinance wholesale fund contribute to the further development of the sector?

Microfinance in China

Presenting the current and possible future states of microfinance within China

An Empirical Analysis of Microcredit on China Rural Household

Studying the impact of microcredit in rural areas of China

Formal and Informal Credit Markets and Rural Credit Demand in China

From the Agricultural & Applied Economics Association 2010 AAEA, CAES, & WAEA Joint Annual Meeting