All Publications

Showing 51 - 60 of 102

Determining Poverty Impacts on Lao People's Democratic Republic and Cambodia: Reconciling Household and GTAP Data

Measuring the impact of policy initiatives on the poor
Case Study

To What Extent Does Non Profit Private Micro Health Insurance Help Improve Public Health Care?

Triggering synergies between non-profit micro health insurance and public health care

IDLO Microfinance Policy and Regulation Survey: Cambodia

Reviewing the regulatory framework for microfinance
Case Study

Cambodian Microfinance: A Case of Successful Commercialization?

Examining mission drift in microfinance

Winning Strategies for Small Business Lending

Addressing small business lending challenges
Case Study

AMK, Cambodia: SPM in Practice

This study presents AMK’s framework to manage social performance.

Cambodia Microfinance Performance Trends 2003-2007

Overview of microfinance sector development in Cambodia

Fostering Gender Equality: Meeting the Entrepreneurship and Microfinance Challenge

Analyzing the entrepreneurial environment for women in European countries

Microfinance in Germany and Europe: Market Overview and Best Practice Examples

Insights from successful microfinance initiatives in Europe