All Publications

Showing 41 - 50 of 83

Greater Access to Retail Finance: Measures to Promote Microfinance in the Russian Federation, 2008-2012

Designing strategies to promote an inclusive financial system
Case Study

Linking Youth with Knowledge and Opportunities in Microfinance (LYKOM) Project, Morocco: A Youth Livelihoods Program Case Study

Expanding financial and non-financial services to youth in Morocco

Poverty, Access to Credit and the Determinants of Participation in a New Micro-credit Program in Rural Areas of Morocco

Assessing people’'s response to microcredit program in rural Morocco

Microfinance in Russia: Benchmarks and Analysis 2006

The report examines Russian microfinance institutions by type, size, age and other factors

Housing Finance for the Poor in Morocco: Programs, Policies and Institutions

Providing housing finance for low-income communities

The Interaction of Customary Law and Microfinance: Women’s Entry into the World Economy

Examining the interaction between microfinance and customary law
Guide / Toolkit

A Simple Poverty Scorecard for Morocco

Presenting a poverty score card to to estimate poverty rates and track changes in Morocco

Financial Services for Russian Small Business - Market Situation and Perspectives

Analyzing demand and supply of financial services in Russia’s SME sector