All Publications

Showing 981 - 990 of 1023
Case Study

Commercial Banks and Microfinance: How Andhra Bank Scaled-up the SHG-bank Linkage Programme

Increasing outreach to rural households

Dhakka Starting Microfinance in India

A three-track strategy to hasten the growth of Indian microfinance institutions

How to Regulate and Supervise Microfinance? - Key Issues in an International Perspective

What risks and profiles are common to the regulation of microfinance institutions?
Case Study

Integrating Empowerment in Microfinance: Case of a Self-help Group (SHG) Based Organisation

Evaluating impact of self-help groups on gender relations

Making the Poor Women Reach Markets: "SEWA's Journey"

Discussing SEWA's approach in organizing rural members

Microfinance and the Empowerment of Women - A Review of the Key Issues

Empowerment cannot be assumed to be an automatic outcome of microfinance programmes for women
Case Study

Microfinance by a Mainstream Bank: The Case of a Leading Public Sector Bank (PSB)

Exploring a public sector bank’s relationship with self-help groups

Mutual Insurance Schemes and Social Protection

Policy formulation for improving institutional design of mutual insurance schemes

Non-profit Insurance Schemes for the Unorganised Sector in India

The need for and offer of non-profit insurance schemes in India