All Publications

Showing 21 - 30 of 86

Public Sector - Operated Price Comparison Websites: Case Studies and Good Practices

Providing guidance on operating price comparison websites

Helping or Hurting: What Role for Microfinance in the Fight Against Poverty?

How should the U.K. government support the microfinance sector?

Survey on the Access to Finance of SMEs in the Euro Area: September 2010 To February 2011

Presenting findings on European small and medium enterprises

A Socially Responsible Model of Microcredit Delivery to Support Sustainable Community Development in Emerging Economies

Studying a socially responsible model of microfinance in Mozambique

Going Against the Odds: Integrating Risk Capital and Advisory Services for Small and Medium Enterprises in Mozambique

Implementing an integrated risk capital and advisory program in a post conflict environment

Social Investment Ten Years On

Developing an effective social development sector

Trade in Financial Services: Mobile Banking in Southern Africa

Providing a safe regulatory environment for cross-border branchless banking
Case Study

Developing a Cost-Benefit Analysis Tool: Experiences and Lessons from Malawi and Mozambique

Designing a cost-benefit analysis tool to assess microfinance delivery channels

Credit with a Social Mission: Why Aligning the UK with the European Microfinance Movement Matters

Arresting the declining outreach of UK’'s microfinance sector
Case Study

UK CDFIs – From Surviving to Thriving: Realising the Potential of Community Development Finance

Examining the extent to which microfinance MFIs have succeeded in providing affordable finance