All Publications

Showing 151 - 160 of 353
Case Study

The Persistent Power of Behavioral Change: Long-Run Impacts of Temporary Savings Subsidies for the Poor

Studying the long-term effects of short-term subsidies in rural Kenya

Mapping Proximity: Bringing Products and Services Close Enough to the Poor to be Meaningfully Usable and Still Keep them Sustainable for WSBI Partner Banks

Identifying public settlements to enable financial service providers plan their expansion

Research Insight: The Microfinance Revolution in East Africa

Analyzing trends in the microfinance market in East African countries
Case Study

Connecting the World's Poorest People to the Global Economy: New Models for Linking Informal Savings Groups to Formal Financial Services

Innovative models to link informal savings groups to formal financial services in Africa

Leveraging Health Microinsurance to Promote Universal Health Coverage

Outlining the roles of private actors in the expansion of universal health coverage

Testing the Waters: YouthSave Pilot Results from Three Markets

Presenting results from a pilot study of youth savings accounts in four countries

The Jipange KuSave Experiment in Kenya

Highlighting the experience of the mobile savings product Jipange KuSave

Product Pilot Report: Youth Savings Performance in Ghana, Kenya, and Nepal

Testing a pilot savings product on low-income youth in Ghana, Kenya, and Nepal

Mapping the Financial Sector

The data in the Mapping the Financial Sector reports goes beyond commercial banks and MFIs to cover pawnshops, cash loan providers, retailers and all types of credit providers in the market. 

Case Study

Driving Change Through Technology: The Postbank Example

Adapting new technology to stay relevant and competitive