All Publications

Showing 11 - 18 of 18

Determinants of the Demand for Financial Products in Ghana

Using financial product usage data to improve government and financial institution outreach in Ghana

What Do Youth Savers Want? Results from Market Research in Four Countries

Learning about what youth want in savings accounts

Taking Stock: Financial Education Initiatives for the Poor

Increasing outreach through financial education

Measuring Household Usage of Financial Services: Does it Matter How or Whom You Ask?

Improving survey methods to measure usage of financial services

Microfinance Product Development in Ghana. The Innovative and Unique Dimensions of Kraban Support Foundation's Micro-Loan Products

Examining innovation in microloan products of financial NGOs in Ghana

Examining Interest Rate Sensitivities among Microfinance Loan Clients in Ghana: Preliminary Results

Assessing elasticity of demand for microloans
Case Study

Insurance Policy for Low-income Market Segment in Ghana

Prototype design and development of MIS software for partner-agent projects in microinsurance