All Publications

Showing 131 - 138 of 138

Rural Finance and Poverty Alleviation

Does the formal sector have lessons to learn from the informal sector?

Financial Market Fragmentation and Reforms in Sub-Saharan Africa

Can policy reform overcome the problem of market fragmentation?

Rural Financial Policies for Food Security of the Poor: Methodologies for a Multi-country Research Project

Identifying policies and institutional arrangements for access to savings and credit systems

Underdeveloping Nigeria Through Reregulation: Will Community Banks Survive?

Will community banks in Nigeria continue to enjoy their freedom?

Consumption Credit in Rural Financial Market Development

Do financial institutions limiting services to credit for productive purposes ignore rural clients?

ROSCA and ASCRA: Beyond the Financial Landscape

How have ROSCAs and ASCRAs evolved in Africa?

Nigeria: Banks and Other Financial Institutions Decree, 1991

Decree regulating banking and other financial institutions in Nigeria

Imperfect Information and Rural Credit Markets - Puzzles and Policy Perspectives

Moving towards a better understanding of rural credit markets