All Publications

Showing 51 - 60 of 60
Case Study

Self-Reliant Village Banks, Mali (Case Study)

Village banks in Mali: A study of institutional and operational aspects
Case Study

Practioner-Led Impact Assessment: A Test in Mali (Part I)

Lessons from Mali: How tools to track the impacts of microenterprise programs work in the field
Case Study

Practitioner-Led Impact Assessment: A Test in Mali (Part II)

Tracking the impacts of microenterprise programs

Preliminary Evidence that Integrated Financial and Educational Services Can be Effective Against Hunger and Malnutrition

Results of research on the impacts and benefits resulting from integrated programs

Rural Financial Policies for Food Security of the Poor: Methodologies for a Multi-country Research Project

Identifying policies and institutional arrangements for access to savings and credit systems

Credit With Education: A Self-Financing Way to Empower Women

A new approach to empowering women

Methodology for Microenterprise Strategy Design in the Sahel

What strategies can position and develop micro and small scale enterprise?

Micro- and Small-Scale Enterprises in Botswana: Results of a Nationwide Survey

What are defining characteristics of micro- and small-scale enterprises?

Access to Credit for Poor Women: A Scale-up Study of Projects Carried out by Freedom from Hunger in Mali and Ghana

Analyzing Freedom from Hunger's village banking program in Mali and Ghana

Mali Microenterprise Sector Assessment and Strategy

What problems are affecting micro and small scale enterprise activity?