All Publications

Showing 21 - 30 of 79

An Evaluation Study of Social Performance of Microfinance Institutions in Yemen

Can microfinance institutions play a role in enhancing social performance?
Case Study

Responsible Finance: The Making of Association-Led Client Grievance Redress Mechanisms - Experiences of AMFIU in Uganda and Consortium Alafia in Benin

Processes and lessons learned in implementing complaint resolution systems

Microfinance Institutions in Yemen, "Hurdles and Remedies"

Recommendations for addressing challenges limiting the growth of MFIs

Financial Education Initiatives in the Arab Region: A Stocktaking Report

Status of financial education in eight selected countries in the Arab region

Market System Assessment of Digital Financial Services in WAEMU

Understanding the e-money market in West Africa in the context of new Central Bank guidelines

Youth Economic Opportunity Ecosystem Analysis: Benin Country Report

Comprehensive assessment of youth employment and demand for financial services
Case Study

Client Voices Benin Country Report

Surveying client protections in a lightly regulated microfinance market
Case Study

Microfinance in Yemen: Hopes vs. Reality

A first insight into the impact of war on the country's microfinance industry

Islamic Microfinance in Yemen: Challenges and Opportunities

Developing Islamic microfinance in Yemen

The Role of Microfinance for Empowerment of Poor Women in Yemen

Understanding how microfinance affects women empowerment in Yemen