All Publications

Showing 21 - 30 of 59

Joint Liability Borrowing and Suicide

This paper examines the consequences of repayment failure in case of joint liability borrowing

Adjustment and Recovery in Thailand Two Years after the Tsunami

How can developed countries best assist disaster-hit developing countries?

Guaranty: Where Private Ordering Meets the Legal System

When can joint liability system achieve efficiency?

The Role of Credit Scoring in Small Business Lending

Credit Scoring: Inferences from survey in United States and Japan

An Analysis of Credit Scoring for Agricultural Loans in Thailand

Resource from the Agriculture Finance Support Facility (AgriFin)

Creating an Enabling Environment for Microfinance - The Role of Governments - Experiences from Thailand

How important is effective governance in the sustainable development of banks?

Recovery from the Tsunami Disaster: Poverty Reduction and Sustainable Development through Microfinance

Identifying "opportunities for impact" in Tsunami recovery projects

Access to Capital in Rural Thailand: An Estimated Model of Formal vs. Informal Credit

Is it possible to improve access to credit in Thailand?

Notification for Establishing a Commercial Bank

How can a company establish a commercial bank in Thailand?