All Publications

Showing 31 - 40 of 99

Collateral and Lending to Rural Households in Emerging Markets

Making collateral-free loans viable
Case Study

True Money and M-PESA: Two Unique Paths to Scale

Comparing two approaches to mobile money

The Savings Led Revolution: Mass-scale, Group Managed Microfinance for the Rural Poor

Leveraging savings-led microfinance to improve access to finance

Village Funds and Access to Finance in Rural Thailand

Assessing village funds performance from an outreach and credit access perspective

Pre-Feasibility Analysis: Index-Based Weather Risk Transfer in Mali

Developing a market for index-based insurance products
Case Study

A Structural Evaluation of a Large-Scale Quasi-Experimental Microfinance Initiative

Evaluating impact of a microcredit intervention program

Adjustment and Recovery in Thailand Two Years after the Tsunami

How can developed countries best assist disaster-hit developing countries?