All Publications

Showing 161 - 170 of 222

Poverty Scorecards for Bangladesh, Haiti, India, Mexico, Pakistan, and the Philippines

Summary of Grameen Foundation's work with poverty scorecards in six countries

The Development of Microfinance in Pakistan

Exploring key developments in grassroots financial services
Case Study

Buffalo, Bakeries, and Tractors: Cases in Rural Leasing from Pakistan, Uganda, and Mexico

Discussing relevance and potential of rural leasing as a financing tool

Innovations in Reducing Costs and Enhancing Productivity: Field Treasury Systems

Discussing internal factors that increase the cost of funds for MFIs and how to respond

Microfinance Performance in Pakistan 1999-2005: Growth - But a Structural Flaw Persists

Performance analysis of eighteen MFIs under USAID-sponsored WHAM project in Pakistan

Performance Indicators Report 2005

Examining financial literacy, benchmarks, and standards in the microfinance sector in Pakistan
Case Study

Policies and Regulations for Expanding e-banking to the Poor

Enabling regulatory environment for improving outreach of electronic financial services to the poor

Targeting Efficiency of Poverty Reduction Programs in Pakistan

This paper examines poverty reduction programs using secondary data

The Demand for Microinsurance in Pakistan

Findings and recommendations for the microinsurance product development process